Moving on and on is indeed the pragmatic motto of the DAV movement. “Charaiveti”(move on and on) says the Vedic philosophy of life and this is what DAV is all about . The Dayanand Anglo-Vedic movement is a living lineage of the Vedic culture and the Arya Samaj as enunciated by Swami Dayanand Saraswell.
“Dispelling ignorance and promoting knowledge” is he eight Principle of the Ten Principles of the Arya Samaj.
The march of the DAV movement in the field of education continued unabated. The seed sown by Mahatma Hans Raj took the shape of a banyan tree which dropped its branched here and there til they covered the entire ength and breadth of India.Today is apex body,DAV College Trust and Management Society, New Delhi,is the largest no-government , educational organization wth 767 institutions, management institutions, vedic education and research centres, aided and public school.
The Dayanand Anglo-Vedic Schools System, also familiarly known as the D.A.V public School System is the single largest non-governmantal education society in is based on the ideals off the religious and social reforme, SWAMI DAYANAND Anglo Vedic, the name itself implies a perfect blend of modern education and he essence of traditional Indian culture.
- To promote academic excellence and all round development of students.
- To inculcate sense of self-discipline among student.
- To teach students to be polite and respectful towards elders and affectionate towards Youngers
- To sharpen their aesthetic sense and skill for appreciation of the rich values of life.
- To instill in them national pride and love for their ancient vedic-culture and national-heritage.
- To have a wide vision and clear thinking to face challenges of life.
- To make them respectable citizens of India.
The purpose of the school is to impart quality education and to infuse sterling qualities of head and heart in children so as to make them fine citizens of our country.Stress is laid on individual attention to the all round development of the child.